The Types of Lecturers’ Feedback on EFL Learners’ Writing

  • Suci Mulyani UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda
Keywords: EFL students, lecturers' feedback, writing, writing feedback


Feedback is very essential in learning. It can help students to get the bigger picture of their progress, which stage they are in, and what steps they are going to take for future learning.  Giving feedback is considered to be the essential role of a teacher or lecturer in guiding students in their learning process. As many experts noted that writing is the most complex skill to learn, and students need more assistance in developing their writing. Here, teachers or lecturers are needed to guide them in the whole process of writing, which are pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing. Considering this prominent role of giving feedback, it is necessary for teachers or lecturers, and also the students to know about the types of feedback used in English writing. This will be useful for the teachers or lecturers to understand what type of feedback they will use in the learning, and for the students to reflect more on their preference for the given feedback.


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How to Cite
Mulyani, S. (2023). The Types of Lecturers’ Feedback on EFL Learners’ Writing. EDUCASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengajaran, Dan Pembelajaran, 8(1), 49-57.